Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information
contained on this website, it is the result of an ongoing study and
therefore may be incomplete in some areas. I would appreciate knowing
of any errors found on this website, and will NOT be offended! This
is still very much a "work-in-progress" and
should be treated as such.
It is advisable to check all original sources before including any of
the stated information into your own research.
I have documented the sources of most of my information, even duplicate
or conflicting information. These sources are available upon request
if not listed on these pages, If the source was an individual then I
will contact that person and attempt to either get their consent to
give out their name and how to contact them, or I will ask them to contact
you directly. In rare instances sources may be missing. For this I apologize.
Early in my research I did not document my sources since I never expected
to share my work with others. I have attempted to retrace my research
wherever possible and include these sources, but have not yet succeeded
in every instance.
There are also separate sections dealing with copyright, both of my
own information and that which has been obtained from other sources,
as well as privacy information for any persons living or dead named
on this website.
The information and layout contained in the pages of this website belong
to David J Ferguson and normal copyright laws apply. These pages are
free for you to view and use for personal use only. No permission is
granted for any part of this website or the information contained within
to be published or reproduced in any format, electronic or otherwise
without consent from the copyright holder
For permission to reproduce anything, I can be contacted by e-mail at
Some pages within this website contain information gained from already
published sources, if this is the case, then I have noted these sources
and any copyright belongs to whomever published or wrote that information.
I have not published all of the information on our family for obvious
privacy considerations. I feel that I do not have the right to publish
genealogical information of people that are still alive and who have
not given their permission.
Genealogy is a fascinating and interesting pastime, and the quest for
knowledge may never end. But this must also be tempered so that we do
not offend the very same people whose history we are trying to preserve.
The full details of any person falling into one of the categories below
are suppressed at this site, unless permission has been obtained to
include them:
· Born after 1925 (75 Year Birth Rule).
· Married after 1950 (50 Year Marriage Rule).
· Died after 1950 for people born after 1925 (50 Year Death Rule/75
Year Birth Rule)
· Details of any person known to be still alive, who has not
given us permission to publish the information.
· Private details of any individual which may either offend or
cause embarrassment to any living person.
If you are genuinely interested in the information that you think may
be suppressed, please email us and we will consider releasing the information
to you, complete with source details. We trust that you understand our
reasons for maintaining privacy and ask that you always consider others
during your quest for genealogical knowledge.
David J Ferguson